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Samsung C&T T&I Fashion Resort



모두가 행복하고 안전한 사회 구축을 위한 기업의 책임실천 함께가요 미래로! enabling people 청소년 교육 드림클래스 중학생 진로탐색, 미래역량, 기초학습지원 희망 디딤돌 보호종료 청소년 자립 지원 상생협력 안전 新사업 안전 취약계층 지원사업 위기청소년 지원사업 취약계층·조손·한부모가정 청소년 지원 사업 지역기여 국내 및 해외 삼성빌리지, 핸즈온 봉사활동, 헌혈 봉사활동, 자매마을 모두가 행복하고 안전한 사회 구축을 위한 기업의 책임실천 함께가요 미래로! enabling people 청소년 교육 드림클래스 중학생 진로탐색, 미래역량, 기초학습지원 희망 디딤돌 보호종료 청소년 자립 지원 상생협력 안전 新사업 안전 취약계층 지원사업 위기청소년 지원사업 취약계층·조손·한부모가정 청소년 지원 사업 지역기여 국내 및 해외 삼성빌리지, 핸즈온 봉사활동, 헌혈 봉사활동, 자매마을
  • Youth Education

    Samsung Dream Class

    Supporting middle school students in career exploration, future capabilities, and basic learning

    Samsung Hope Stepping Stone

    Supporting the self-reliance of youth leaving care

  • Mutual Cooperation

    Safety New Business

    Support projects for safety-vulnerable communities

    Support for At-risk Youth

    Assistance projects for vulnerable communities, orphaned, and single-parent family youths

  • Community Contribution

    Samsung Villages in Korean and overseas, Hands-on volunteer activities, Blood donation volunteer activities, Sister village initiatives

Samsung C&T's E&C Group is dedicated to contributing to sustainable societal development by engaging in a broad range of social contribution initiatives that focus on the key areas, including social responsibility, outlined by the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), future generations, mutual cooperation, and local communities. All social contribution initiatives carried out by Samsung C&T are based on trust and sincerity, and aim to achieve a societal impact through communication and collaboration with diverse partners, regions, information sources, communities, and social welfare organizations.

Moreover, under the social contribution slogan "Enabling People! Let's go together to the future!", we strive to address social challenges in the fields of youth education, mutual cooperation, and community involvement. All social contribution activities are driven by the participation and support of our employees, with the company matching donations on an equal scale, amplifying the social impact and significance.