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Samsung C&T T&I Fashion Resort



For Samsung C&T’s E&C Group, compliance management is not only about adhering to laws and regulations, but also is about ensuring a strong foundation of integrity.

Major Compliance Risks

Integrity - upholding honor and dignity with an honest heart and truthful, righteous actions, while always pursuing the right path in all matters.

Fair Trade Anti-corruption Information Protection Employment and Labor Subcontracting Safety, Environment, and Quality Clean Organization
Prohibition of collusion (bid-rigging) Prohibition of bribery Protection of personal information Labor standards and labor-management relations Fair trade in subcontracting Eradication of safety accidents Prevention of corruption
Prohibition of exclusive dealing Prohibition of improper solicitation Prevention of unfair competition Mandatory visa and permit Environmental protection
Prohibition of unfair labeling and advertising Quality assurance
Fair trade in the capital market

Compliance Code of Conduct

In Samsung C&T’s E&C Group, all employees are provided with a Compliance Code of Conduct and Guide, which are based on a compliance risk management system. Moreover, the company strives to reinforce awareness of compliance by annually collecting compliance practice pledge forms from all employees, addressing the Compliance Code of Conduct and Guide.

Compliance Program

Samsung C&T's E&C Group operates an array of compliance programs, adhering to the principle that leaders guide and field operations proactively engage in activities.

PLAN(기준 : 준법통제기준 준법통제기준 시행세칙 compliance 행동규범, 가이드 compliance risk 관리체계 수립 / 조직 : 전담조직 컴플라이언스팀 자율조직 준법담당자 ombudsperson등) DO(교육 : 공통 온라인교육 계층 직무별교육 현업 자율교육 등 / 홍보 compliance 메시지 전파 compliance 소식지 발행 기타 온 오프라인 이벤트) CHECK(점검 : 방문점검 현업 자율점검 상시 모니터링 CPGS, 경쟁사접촉신고 윤리준법자가진단 제보조사 / 제재 : 준법지원인 제재 주의 경고 준법서약서 인사위원회 회부) ACT(평가 : 임원평가 조직평가 / 포상 : 우수준법담당자상 우수준법실천현장상 우수 ombudsperson 우수준법실천인상)

Compliance Reporting

Samsung C&T's E&C Group maintains multiple compliance reporting channels. To protect the reporter, all reports are processed based on the fundamental principles of confidentiality, impartiality, fairness, and prohibition of retaliation.

The Basic Principles of Compliance Reporting

open communication 문화 - 비밀보장 Confidentiality 중립성과 공정성 Neutrality & Impartiality 보복 금지 No-retaliation