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The Construction Safety Laboratory has been founded and is being maintained to mitigate the risk of catastrophic incidents and facilitate the development of self-sufficient, all-encompassing, and specialized safety management systems.

Construction Safety Laboratory * Design for Safety (DfS) Safety review of design Identification of high-risk work solutions, Equipment IT Development Smart safety technology development Optimal equipment selection and operational support, Safety Consulting for Partners Safety consulting for partners Introduction and operation of the safety certification system, Safety Education Operation of job-specific and professional education programs, Operation of safety experience education facilities

Operational Objectives

To prevent catastrophic accidents by supporting the establishment of a construction site safety management system based on specialized technology and engineering expertise

  • 01

    Establishing safety reviews based on risk assessment in design.
  • 02

    Developing smart safety devices and mechanized, automated technology as alternatives to human labor.
  • 03

    Fostering excellent partners through partner consulting and the introduction of a safety certification system.
  • 04

    Operating safety and health education and Safety Academy to create a safety culture.

Main Activity Areas

Design for Safety(DfS) Review

We implement safety design activities to identify and eliminate risks in advance at each stage of design, contracting, and construction.

Establishing and operating design safety review procedures and systems from the construction project bidding stage to the construction and operation phases

  • Analyzing major accident cases, such as falls and confinement, to discover and share outstanding DfS improvement examples (around 1,400 cases)

Providing DfS countermeasures for tasks with frequent accidents and high risks to eliminate risks in advance

  • Identifying and offering DfS improvement measures for high-risk tasks involving equipment, structures, and temporary facilities

Equipment IT

We prevent accidents through the development and application of smart safety technology and automation, as well as IT technology.

Proactively preventing accidents by developing and applying safety systems utilizing automation and IT

  • Recognition of workers around equipment, Securing visibility in blind spots, equipment monitoring devices and others

Select the proper equipment considering work environment and remove potential hazards during construction by providing optimal equipment solutions

  • Establish and operate plan to secure safety and productivity of modular construction and large lifting/transporting equipment

Safety Consulting for Partners

We support the establishment and operation of safety management systems through consulting with our partners on their implementation of safety and health measures.

Supporting safety and health system consulting for partners, and creating a safety culture of mutual benefit between contractors and subcontractors

  • Complete to introduce Safety Certification for 14 work types including 10 high-risk work types and additional demolition and deconstruction works, and providing consulting for hazardous work types

Fostering excellent partners with construction and safety management capabilities through the introduction and operation of the Samsung Safety Certification System

  • Providing bidding participation opportunities for partners who have achieved high grades through safety certification assessments

Safety Training

We hold training courses to enhance safety awareness and job competency, and develop and provide training content.

Enhancing safety competency through job-specific and professional training, as well as hands-on training for employees and partners

Producing and distributing educational content tailored to workers' perspectives to support safety training at workplaces

  • Producing and distributing videos on types of frequently occurring accidents and change in perception of workers

Key External Cooperation Activities

Establishing a joint support system for the construction of a safety management system for construction industry partners

  • Business agreement for the dissemination of safety and health management culture among major construction companies, and support for the establishment of partners' safety and health systems (January 2023)
  • Operating a mutual cooperation system among public institutions, construction companies, and design firms, sharing design safety review cases

Conducting joint investment and development for the dissemination of smart safety devices and technologies

  • Indoor autonomous painting robot for fall accident prevention
  • Mechanized solar module installation equipment to minimize human labor

Openly operating the Construction Safety Laboratory

  • Recognized as a corporate research institute by the Ministry of Science and ICT (April 2022)
  • Safety Academy certified as a safety and health education institution by the Ministry of Employment and Labor (April 2022)
  • Safety Academy recognized as a safety experience training facility by the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (June 2022)