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Samsung C&T T&I Fashion Resort



  • Where can I inquire about Raemian apartments and sales?
    Raemian, the top-tier apartment brand, has its own dedicated website.
    For inquiries related to Raemian, such as sales applications, intermediate payment inquiries, and defect repairs, please visit the Raemian website (www.raemian.co.kr) or contact the Raemian Customer Center (1588-3588) for prompt assistance.
  • I am interested in becoming a partner company of Samsung C&T’s E&C Group. What documents and procedures are required?
    Please refer to our Partners Portal website for information related to partnering with our company.
    - Partners Portal: www.secc-partners.co.kr
    - Partner company registration (account application, information change, and authorization) and outsourcing contracts, procurement (materials) related tasks
    ※ For more details, please refer to the information shown in the popup that is displayed when you visit our Partners Portal.
  • How can I inquire about opportunities for experienced employees and international talent?
    Samsung C&T’s E&C Group is actively recruiting skilled professionals with global expertise. For information on our current openings, please visit the Talent Recruitment > Recruitment Notice section of our website.
    Visit Talent Recruitment Notice
    ※ Kindly be advised that the absence of any announcements indicates a lack of ongoing recruitment initiatives in the respective area.
  • How can I schedule a visit or request technical information at the Raemian Goyoan Lab (Floor Impact Noise Laboratory)?
    For inquiries related to the Raemian Goyoan Lab (Floor Impact Noise Laboratory), please contact us at the following email address:
    - noise.lab@samsung.com